Sometimes Risk Registers can be simplified to not require any Likelihood, Impact, Risk Exposure amounts, Mitigation Costs, or Residual Risk Exposure amounts. That is, only qualitative information and details are required by the organization. In such situations, you can bypass parts of the Risk Settings section and completely bypass the Risk Register section. Instead, proceed directly to the Risk Events and Risk Engagement sections.
Figure 2.18 shows an illustration of a simplified Risk Register of items in the PEAT ERM system using the Risk Events | Event Input section. The risk maps can still be used but only simple risk event counts, event names, and dates are used and captured. Select a Division, G.O.P.A.D., or Risk Category and select the relevant Risk Manager and enter an Event Name, the Count, and Event Date. The entire grid dataset can be saved, and additional datasets can be added as needed.
If the more rigid Event Input needs more customization, proceed to the Custom Event Input section instead. Once here, click on the Customize button to add new segments and create your own custom inputs for the bottom grid (Figure 2.19). As usual, multiple datasets can be saved here.
Once either the Event Input or Custom Event Input sections have been filled, proceed to the Event Reports section to view the reports and charts. In Risk Table, start by selecting the dataset to analyze, and identify the risk segments to display, and click on the Update button (Figure 2.20). A table of counts will be displayed. The results can also be displayed as a bar chart in the Risk Chart (Figure 2.21) section.